Solar+ESS Microgrid in Japan
Delivered time: January 2023
Delivered products: 2.88MW/7.296MWh Solar+Storage Microgrid System, including 6 sets of 480kW/1216kWh 3rd-generation Containerized Energy Storage System---EnerCube, PCS+ battery system + BMS + EMS + control system and other auxiliary systems.
The 2.88MW/7.296MWh Solar + Storage microgrid system designed for this area will be connected to the local 3.5MW photovoltaic system. It includes 6 sets of 480kW/1216kWh 3rd-generation Containerized Energy Storage System---EnerCube, and which will connect to the 3.5MW PV, and the system has the functions of on-grid & off-grid operation and switching. In the on-grid mode, the solar + storage system participates in the regulation of the power market and realizes the application of peak-load shifting and virtual power grid. In the off-grid mode, the solar + storage system will work as an intelligent microgrid to supply power to the area independently, and solve the problems of power outage, production shutdown and suspension of the industrial and commercial enterprises and users and promote the green production in the area.